
$100 - $150 | Sliding Scale per 50-minute Session
Free treatment for qualified individuals | If you are a post 9/11 veteran you may qualify for the Headstrong program. If so, your therapy and other benefits could be free. Please check with me for eligibility.
Insurance | I accept a wide range of insurance. Please contact me to begin the process.
Payment | I accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Returned check fee is $30.


I accept a range of insurances. Please contact me to begin the insurance process.


I accept cash and checks after the first session. Returned check fee is $30, and must be covered before the next session.


Questions? Please contact me for further information.

Please call me for a free 20 minute phone consultation to see if I am a good fit for you - 760-931-4777.

Your 3-Step Success Plan

My therapy is based on helping you transition into who you want to be and how you want to feel through practiced mindfulness and practical psychological processes, concepts and strategies. I am known for helping people get results. This is how it works.



We will discuss your goals and challenges to create clarity in terms of where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. In this first step you will gain the conceptual and theoretical knowledge of new behaviors, concepts and strategies.



Your participation in homework and assignments will help develop the skills, mindset, and behaviors that will benefit you personally. In this practical application phase, feedback about successes and challenges are pivotal. With consistent and persistent practice you are reinforcing the success that is well within your reach.


Finally, we will work on integrating these new behaviors, concepts and strategies until you master them and they become part of your identity. When you identify with the new way of being you know you have made changes you can count on.