When should you consider therapy?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 30 million Americans are in need of assistance managing their feelings and problems that seem beyond their control, whether these problems are individual, with a family situation, a marriage or relationship, substance abuse, depression, stress, anxiety, or loss.

While we all have challenging days, you should consider therapy if:

You feel an overwhelming sense of helplessness and your problems don’t seem to be resolving on your own. Tens of millions of Americans seek professional advice every year. Being able to combine your previous attempts at working through your emotions with the perspective of someone who is certified in helping you find a solution is a helpful combination.

You are finding it difficult to carry out everyday activities. If you are having trouble getting out of bed in the morning or completing important tasks like succeeding in work, caring for your children or pets, or caring for yourself, you will likely benefit from speaking with a therapist.

If you worry excessively or feel on edge or anxious. A therapist can help you identify what may be causing your anxiety or nervousness and can help you develop habits and perspective to work through it.

You are taking harmful actions against yourself or others, such as excessive eating or drinking (or not eating enough), abusing drugs, or becoming overly aggressive.

Your body seems to be reacting to stress. If you have unexplained recurrent headaches, body aches, tense muscles, or a chronically upset stomach that can’t be explained by a doctor, there’s a chance these may be signs of carried stress or emotional distress.

Your relationships are strained. If you’re having trouble communicating how you feel or even being able to identify your emotions, you may benefit from seeing an expert. If you find that you dread or feel unhappy during interactions with loved ones on a regular basis, you may want to consider couples or family therapy.

Please call or email if you would like to talk.